Sunday, September 11, 2011

Good times in Guttenberg!

fun at the cabin with Grandpa!!

the golf cart parade on Abel Island!

Enzo and Sugar had fun in the water!

we celebrated Cade's 12th birthday a little early! 

fun on the trampoline!

visiting Grandma Nancy's cabin!!

Carson's artistic photo of Celia!  so cool!!

more fun at the cabin!

Labor Day weekend was filled with a lot of activity at the cabin.....

ok, if you are going to ride this, you need to listen to me.....

OMG!  She did it!!

Cade is the master four wheeler!!

If you build it....they will come!

 We finished Labor Day weekend in Guttenberg for a weekend of Family fun and to build the enormous swing set Duane bought for the cabin.   The boys got to work on Sunday and it didn't take long for things to start to take shape.  By Monday afternoon, the majority of the swing set was up and the "girls" were swinging and sliding and having all the fun that "Grandpa" had hoped it would bring for them!

Lots of help for the big project.....
....even Celia pitched in!

things are starting to take shape!

The guys worked so hard to get the project "almost" done in just 1 1/2 days!

Yeah, we get to swing!!

you go first Lila, then I'm next!!

the work crew...thanks everyone!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Opening Day - Hawkeye Football!!

September 3rd - the opening game for the Iowa Hawkeyes!  A victory was had, despite the weather - down pouring rain and delay of game (because of lightening) ....the true fans went to the game and had a great time watching the Hawks win!!  Go HAWKS!!

Will and Cade - ready for some football!
The true fans, ready to head to the game!  Duane took the "boys" to cheer on the Hawks
......and the fair weather fans, Carson and Laura stayed dry at home cheering!
a little rain won't scare us away!

The biggest little fan of them all - Lila's 3rd season opener with Daddy and Mommy (and Grandpa!)....this is a tradition now!  Even the rain didn't dampen her mood - if you asked her if she wanted to leave, she would say "NO!"
Go Hawks!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"The Boys of Fall".....Cade's Warrior football season starts!

Cade had a few weeks of "no sports" between baseball and football, but right as school started so did his two football team practices and on Aug 27th, he had his first "travel team" football game in Big Lake, MN.  With only 2 weeks of practice we (parents, not the boys or coaches I'm sure) were a little nervous about the games but the boys were awesome!  They won both games on Saturday (27th) and won their bracket final on Sunday, giving them a 3rd place victory!  Go Warriros!!

Getting psyched for their first game!

after the second victory game of the its time to play at the hotel!

only true friends will all squeeze into one bed!

We are the Champions!!  3rd Place Victory for the 6th Grade Warriors!

Back to school...summers over!

We wind down from a whirlwind summer of weddings, Guttenberg, travel, vacations and just plain fun with family and day you ask the kids if they are ready for school to start and they excitedly say "yes!" and the next they lament the impending loss of their freedom of sleeping in and all day friend time!  No matter how hard they try to slow down the clock, the first day of school finally arrives.

Cade is officially a "Middle Schooler" he started his first day at McKinley Middle School on Aug 23rd and Carson is in her final year of Middle School at Franklin....don't they look cool!
Looking good on the first day of school...too bad Bacchus can't come with us!

Jen and Jason sent us a picture of Ruby and Celia on their first day at All Saints and Montessori!!

Have fun at school!

And little Miss Lila, gets to hang in her PJ's in the morning a little longer until she goes to daycare at "Miss Connie's"....she might start school at Montessori next year!  How fast they grow up!